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Personal Growth

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Hello, I am Nathan Wenrich, a proud Razor's Edge Global Scholar at Nova Southeastern University in sunny south Florida. I am originally from Orlando Florida and moved to Davie for college. I am passionate about internationalization, resolving global conflict, travel, and learning about and promoting positive cross cultural interaction. I am studying exercise sports science and hope to pursue my passion of basketball to work for the Miami Heat. My hobby's include basketball, art, travel, film, and other things.

About Nathan Wenrich 

Mission Statement 

To be selfless and mindful and embrace life for its successes and failures so that I may work to walk a path of continual self improvement in the pursuit of a legacy rich with experience, grateful for what it has been given, generous with what it gives, which left more then it took, and gave value to the people and places it touched.

Gradient Background

What do I want to be remembered for?

I want to be remembered as a person who did right by and improved the lives of others around him. I would like to be remembered as generous with my time and resources and for never having put my own self interest above the wellbeing of others. I would also like to be remembered as being hard working and dedicated to my craft, kind and level headed, and capable of stepping into a lot of diverse situations and handling it well. Lastly I want to be remembered as creative and having constantly been willing to try new things and experience the diverse experiences of life head on and with openness to the ideas of others.

Trendy Neon Background

What Do I Want To Contribute To The World? 

I would like to afford others the opportunities which have been given to me to allow me to be successful. I love giving people a platform to function in their best and most enjoyable way. I would like to be a resource available to any and everyone who treats myself and others with respect and kindness. In my professional life I want to give people a route back to health after injury that is as enjoyable and painless as possible. I would love to make developments in exercise sports science that can be used by NBA players to revolutionize the game. I am a good writer and I would like to write at least one published book in my lifetime. I really enjoy art so I would like to keep developing that talent and producing my own unique, quality work in whatever medium I choose. I would like my actions and life to be good enough to be used as an example for others during or after me. Most of all, I would like to contribute support and love for other people, and make everyone I am
in contact with feel like they are valued.


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